High temperatures and months of drought fuelled massive bushfires across Australia in the summer of 2019-20. Linfox partnered with customers, charities and government to ensure people in fire-affected communities received essential items.
The instinct to help shines brightest in the toughest times. Australia’s 2019-20 bushfires were no different, inspiring a groundswell of generosity across the nation.
As a leading provider of transport and warehousing for major retailers, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and other organisations, Linfox stepped up to help. Team members worked tirelessly to transport essential goods including food, water and fuel.

A united defence
The ADF sent troops, ships and aircraft to help firefighting efforts. Linfox’s Government and Defence business unit provides warehousing and distribution services to the ADF and supported their fire response with increased warehouse operations and 24-hour response.
Linfox also provided warehousing and transport for generous donations from Snackbrands and Mars Petfood and delivered to Foodbank on behalf of Coles. When the fire risk eased, Linfox was escorted by New South Wales Police with grocery and fuel loads to evacuee centres in the Batemans Bay area in southern New South Wales.

Delivering comfort to bushfire affected animals
Over 20,000 animal lovers across Germany made more than two tonnes of nests and pouches for orphaned animals. Linfox delivered the items to the Wildlife Animal Rescue & Care Society in Tuggerah, NSW.
Linfox also transported produce for the Mogo Wildlife Park, which protected all 200 animals despite being on the fire front.
Supporting communities in crisis
“Like all Australians, we were devastated to see the impact of the bushfires and wanted to play our role in the recovery effort,” said CEO Linfox Logistics Australia and New Zealand, Mark Mazurek.
“We acknowledge the tireless work of emergency services, the ADF and volunteers, and extend our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones, homes and businesses during this difficult time.”
An essential aspect of economic growth in regional Australia is strong transport connectivity.
As a transport and logistics provider with a national footprint, Linfox delivers to many isolated regions. Mark said the bushfire crisis was a reminder of the importance of Linfox in Australia’s regional communities.
“Without safe and compliant transport services, these communities can’t thrive,” said Mark.
The ADF’s Operation Bushfire Assist was a key component of the Australian Government’s support of states and local communities, and Linfox was proud to partner with them in this vital work.
“While we can’t fight fires, we can help communities and volunteers access the essential items they need. It’s the least we can do.”
The smoke may have cleared, but those affected have not been forgotten. Linfox has committed to the Victorian Government’s Business and Sport Bushfire Recovery initiative and held a senior management meeting in a fire affected region. When COVID-19 restrictions ease, the business will also host events in fire-affected areas to support the recovery of local communities.